I'm actually using three addons that do basically the same thing in slightly different ways, because none of them do them all in exactly the way I find most personally useful.
That may be coming down the pipeline, or may already be implemented (and I just haven't updated to pick it up), or may end up coming from some other addon, possibly AtlasLoot itself. I don't mind the icon icons not being in Bagnon so much (there's a side addon to enable that functionality there apparently, woo!) but it'd be FANTASTIC if it worked in AtlasLoot since I use that a lot to see what difficulty I need to run any given instance on. The tooltips from it still work there, so it's no less annoying than any other transmog addon I use. Caerdon Wardrobe is fantastic, though the item indicator only works on unmodified frames, so I can see needed looks on vendors and the AH, but because I use Bagnon, I can't see them at a glance in my bags.